+7 (495) 363-40-46

Hall «Los Angeles»

2000 rub / hour

Информация о помещении

up to 15 persons

16 sq.m.


Board and markers


Air conditioning

Hall «Los Angeles» is a bright and spacious room that can be equipped as a meeting room or a small conference room. Various options for arranging furniture will allow for a conference, presentation, training, seminar or master class.

Additional services


500 rub for the whole day

LCD panel

500 rubles for 1 hour of use

MFP / Fax

10 rub / page, the first 10 are free

Flipchart paper

200 rubles for 5 sheets

Coffee break

From 300 rubles for 1 person
Бронирование зала

    Contact Information

    We work for you from 10:00 to 22:00 every day, including holidays and weekends! It is possible to rent by appointment or by agreement at night at a double rate.

    from 10:00 to 22:00 - regular tariff;
    from 22:00 to 9:00 - double tariff.

    Contact us



      Description of conditions and payment methods

      Cash payment
      Through WEB services Yandex.Money, Webmoney
      Through payment terminals Qiwi
      By bank card on the website